Bollywood actor Govinda's son Yashvardhan Ahuja met with a automotive accident yesterday evening at Juhu. The Accomplice star confirmed the information and informed The, “My son Yashvardhan was driving the automotive and out of the blue a automotive got here in entrance of his automotive and rammed into him. Nevertheless, my son is protected. He has received just a few accidents on his arms, however nothing to fret. The automotive has had just a few dents and scratches.” He additional added, “We now have not lodged a police criticism as a result of the motive force apologised to us, and it's a automotive from Yash Raj. We now have an previous relationship with them. Their driver was driving the automotive. He's additionally protected.”
As per the stories, the actor's son suffered minor accidents although each the events have mutually resolved the difficulty and no police criticism has been launched. On a associated word, Govinda just lately celebrated 21 years of his cult comedy Haseena Maan Jayegi. Directed by David Dhawan, the movie additionally featured Sanjay Dutt, Karisma Kapoor and Pooja Batra in pivotal roles. He captioned the publish, "Oh Yaaaar 21 saal hogaye !! Essential kya bhadhaai ho .. bhadhaai ho .. Balle Balle !! ???❤️ @duttsanjay @therealkarismakapoor @poojabatra @smitathackeray #21years #of #haseenamaanjayegi."
On the work entrance, Govinda was final seen in Rangeela Raja, the place he featured in a twin position. Directed by Sikander Bharti, the movie additionally featured Mishika Chourasia and Karan Anand. So, are you excited to look at Govinda on the silver display screen? Tweet and tell us @bollywood_life.