Pichaikkaran 2 is an upcoming bilingual film starring Vijay Antony within the lead function. The movie was helmed by Nation Award-winning director Priya Krishnaswamy of Baaram fame. The makers confirmed the venture on the event of Vijay Antony’s birthday. Directed by Sasi, the primary a part of Pichaikkaran was launched on 13 May 2016 and went on to develop into an enormous hit in each Kollywood and Tollywood. The film concurrently made in Telugu which titled Bitchagadu 2.
Director | Priya Krishnaswamy |
Producers | Fathima Vijay Antony |
Screenplay | Priya Krishnaswamy |
Genre | Emotional Drama |
Story | Priya Krishnaswamy |
Starring | Vijay Antony |
Music | Vijay Antony |
Cinematographer | Theni Eswar |
Editor | but to be up to date |
Production Company | Vijay Antony Pictures Pvt Ltd and Fathima Vijay Antony |
Release date | 2021 |
Language | Tamil, Telugu |
Pichaikkaran 2 Movie Cast
Here is the forged listing of upcoming Tamil film Pichaikkaran 2,
Pichaikkaran 2 Movie Trailer
Tha trailer video of upcoming Vijay Antony film will likely be launched quickly.
Pichaikkaran 2 Movie Songs
Pichaikkaran 2 Movie Stills and Videos
Check out the official posters of Vijay Antony Pichaikkaran 2 movie,
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