Karnan is an upcoming Tamil film written and directed by Pariyerum Perumal fame director Maari Selvaraj. Produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu underneath V Creations banner, Karnan movie Dhanush, Rajisha Vijayan, Yogi Babu, Natty aka Natraj, Lal within the lead roles. Touted to be a rural motion drama, the taking pictures has been began on 05 January 2020 close to Tirunelveli.
After the large hit of Pariyerum Perumal, Mari Selvaraj’s second flick with Dhanush will hit the screens this 12 months.
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Director | Mari Selvaraj |
Producer | Kalaipuli S Thanu |
Screenplay | Mari Selvaraj |
Genre | Drama |
Story | Mari Selvaraj |
Starring | Dhanush and Rajisha Vijayan |
Music | Santhosh Narayanan |
Cinematographer | Yet to be Updated |
Editor | Yet to be Updated |
Production Company | V Creations |
Release date | 2020 |
Language | Tamil |
Karnan Movie Cast
Karnan Movie Teaser & Trailer
Karnan Tamil Movie Songs
Karnan Movie First Look
Check out the official posters of upcoming Dhanush Movie Karnan,
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