Lockup is an upcoming Tamil film written and directed by SG Charles. Produced by Nitin Sathyaa below Shvedh manufacturing home banner, the film stars Vaibhav, Venkat Prabhu, Poorna & Vani Bhojan within the lead function. Music and songs are composed by Arrol Corelli. Touted to be a thriller drama, Lockup full film streams on-line on ZEE5 from 14 August 2020.
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Director | SG Charles |
Producer | Nitinsathyaa |
Screenplay | SG Charles |
Genre | Drama |
Story | SG Charles |
Starring | Vaibhav, Venkat Prabhu, Poorna, Vani Bhojan |
Music | Arrol Corelli |
Cinematographer | Yet to be up to date |
Editor | Mad Editor |
Production Company | Shvedh manufacturing home |
Release date | 2020 |
Language | Tamil |
Lockup Movie Cast
Lockup Tamil Movie Teaser
Watch the teaser video of upcoming zee5 tamil film Lockup,
Lockup Movie Trailer
Here is the trailer video of recent tamil film Zee5 Lockup,
Lockup Movie Review
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